Argyle House School Celebrate their GCSE Results
Success for our Year 11 cohort in their GCSEs with 80% achieving a grade 9 - 4!
Head of Argyle House School, Mr Chris Johnson, has congratulated the Year 11s on their GCSEs this morning.
The Year 11s at Argyle House School have worked hard, with 80% achieving a 4 or higher in English and Maths, and with 54% achieving at least one grade at 7 or above.
Nationally, the 2024 grades 9-7 are at 21.9%, whereas Argyle House’s Year 11s have reached over 50%, as well as 80% grades 9-4 against the national average of 67.6%.
Head Teacher, Mr Johnson said: “It is wonderful to see so many students fulfilling their potential and receiving excellent grades today. Throughout the academic year, I have been impressed by how the Year 11s have approached their studies and exams, especially in showing maturity and support for one another. I am incredibly proud of the GCSE results our students have achieved and wish them every success as they embark on the next stage of their educational journey.”
Chair of Governors Mr Forsyth said: “This year’s GCSE results are testament to the hard work and dedication of both the teachers and students at Argyle House; their commitment to deliver the best of themselves, and for themselves, is reflected in the marvellous set of grades received today. Congratulations to them all and I would like to wish them good luck in all they choose to do!”