Reception to Year 2

Many pupils join Argyle House School from Little Crickets Sunderland and pass through with comparative ease, because they spend several hours each week with the children from the Reception class for various aspects of the curriculum.

Reception is the first class of the main school, but also the last class in the Early Years Foundation Stage Department; close links with parents are maintained and in this class the children follow the Early Learning Goals connected to the Early Years Foundation Stage. With the small class sizes and family environment that is created, the pupils go beyond the skills set down by the Government. This is the case for reading, mathematical and scientific skills. The activities are designed to be fun, to further enhance the learning ability of each pupil; these are reinforced by practical tasks.

There are a further two classes in this department, Year 1 and Year 2. They enjoy a rich and broad curriculum emphasising both that education can be fun and the family environment created within the school.

Mathematics, English and Reading 

Mathematics, English and Reading are approached very much on an individual basis, whereas Science and Personal, Social, Health Education are based on personal experiences and development. Sharing and caring are encouraged qualities, which are further enhanced by visits from various professional people, as well as visits to the local attractions in the area.

Music, ICT, Geography and History

Music, ICT, Geography and History play important parts in the daily curriculum activities of the classroom. Percussion instruments are introduced within this department. Overall, the aim is to develop the children’s self-confidence and academic abilities, ready for the new challenges in the Junior Department.


Drama plays an important part in this department, where shows are put on every other year, in conjunction with the Junior Department.

Physical Skills

Physical skills are intended to develop large/small controlled movements. This is achieved through various music and movement activities, as well as through structured PE lessons, which are skill based, and competition is introduced in small-sided game situations.

The children, from as young as four, are encouraged to be water-confident and learn the basic swimming strokes needed.

Children within this department take an active part in the school’s Swimming Gala and Sports Day, which happen at various times through the school calendar.

To learn more about our Year 3 to Year 6 classes click here.  

Lower prep school girls learning