ISI Reports

Argyle House School is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). Our most recent inspection reports can be accessed below:

ISI rated 'Good' in all areas - ISI 2022

In 2022 ISI rated Argyle House School and Little Crickets Sunderland 'Good' in all areas. The full report can be downloaded above with highlights found below: 

'Principals and values are actively promoted which facilitate the personal development of pupils.' - ISI Report 2022. 

'Pupils display excellent attitudes evident in their enthusiasm and motivation which strongly supports their learning.' - ISI Report 2022. 

'Pupils have a highly developed sense of responsibility to the school community and enjoy contributing to the family feel of the school through a sense of happiness and cohesion.' - ISI 2022. 

'Pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding are well developed across all areas of learning.' - ISI 2022. 

To learn more about daily life at Argyle House School click here.  

Children engaging in learning