School Policies and Safeguarding
Argyle House School Quick Reference Sheet For Safeguarding Contacts
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs L McIntosh
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs N Smillie and Mrs K White
- Designated Safeguarding Lead for EYFS: Mrs L McIntosh
- Jo Storey is Board Level Lead for Safeguarding and representative on the Board for the Proprietors. She can be contacted during term time or holidays at [email protected], or by post via the school address: 19/20 Thornhill Park, Sunderland, SR2 7LA
- Sunderland Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Contact Information:
- Secure e-mail: [email protected]
- Telephone Numbers:
- (0191) 5205560- during business hours
- (0191) 5205552- Out of hours service
- (0191) 5613901-LADO
- LADO: [email protected]
- Sunderland Safeguarding Education Lead:[email protected]
- Sunderland Social Care Director-Education: [email protected]
- Local Police 101
- DfE counter extremism dedicated Telephone helpline 020 7340 7264 and e-mail: [email protected].
Argyle House School is a member of a multi-agency organisation, which works to safeguard all children and adults in connection to the school.
Safeguarding Policies
Health and Safety Policies
General Policies
GDPR Policies
SEN Policies
For more information please contact [email protected]