The school views a positive partnership between the staff and the parents as crucial to the education and happiness of the children. Parents are welcome to visit their child’s classroom at both the beginning and end of the school day. Parents also help on school outings and are a valuable asset to many aspects of school life. 

An active and flourishing Parent Teacher Association (PTA) organise a range of events, including yearly Christmas Fayre and Summer Fêtes. The PTA also organises an annual dinner dance for the staff and parents and friends of current and former pupils. Parents are invited to come to school and give short talks in selected assemblies. Carol services and school plays are also open to parents. 

The meetings are friendly and informal, and the interest and support of parents and new children will be most welcome. 

The committee has worked closely with Mrs Smillie and her staff, in discussion and provision of useful equipment for the school. 

Since 1970, the PTA has funded many projects, ranging from the purchase of ten tents for School Camp to the acquisition of a new mini bus. If you wish to be informed about dates of future meetings etc, please inform the Head Teacher of your interest. 

The parents who are members of the PTA welcome both your interest and support. 
Events run through the year: 

  • Christmas Fayre 
  • Winter Ball – Parents only 
  • Christmas Raffle 
  • Easter Egg Raffle 
  • Summer Fête 
  • Halloween Ball – Children only 
  • Prom – Teachers and children 

Current PTA Chairman – Mr Wheatley 
Can be contacted through the school office (0191) 5100726 
Contact Secretary, Mrs A Robinson